Tuesday, May 15, 2018

About Us: Farm Equipment Brochures

The first man-made agricultural device was likely a pointed stick.  With this simple tool, ancient humans realized that a food source is easier to find, and more reliable if one scratches a hole in the dirt and drops the seeds from a food plant in.

The Industrial Age: People migrate into industrial centers for work and spend their days doing things other than growing their own food.  Opportunity arose for those who continued raising livestock and crops.  A new livelihood was created, the for-profit farmer.  As with all industries, other companies rise up in support, enter the farm equipment industry.

Farmequipmentbrochures.blogspot.com exists to archive and highlight interesting farm equipment and the literature that promoted it.  Do you have an interesting agricultural equipment brochure of your own you'd like to submit?  Drop us a note in the comments below.  Enjoy!

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